Muse Management: 5 questions for creators who have "too many" great ideas
You've got brilliant ideas. LOTS of them. But how to choose where to focus your precious time attention and life-force energy?

Passion without Fear (and the power of choosing an annual theme)
Choosing an annual theme that serves as your compass is invaluable.

The Wisdom of Winter
The wisdom of Winter comes quietly, offering an opportunity for deep peace and profound insight. Settle into the pace of the 'wintering’.

From Excellence to Genius
You're invited to let go of the projects and tasks that don't fully utilize your gifts— and step into your innate genius. Your most luminous life awaits you on the other side!

Optimize Your Energy for Peace and Productivity
You're invited to utilize Mother Nature's wisdom to expand your productivity, prosperity AND peace of mind.

Become a better Quitter
Here's an invitation for you: become a better quitter. In this episode of The Sage & The Song, we'll explore the connotations of quitting and how to know when it's time to walk away. Plus we'll look to some archetypes who can show us the pros and cons of leaving the party early.

The karma & dharma of names
What's in a name? Join me for this episode of The Sage & The Song, where I'll share some stories I've collected over the years and speak about what it's like to have a culturally unique name. We'll also explore how the act of naming both people and things creates ripples we can never foresee.

10 mandatory rites of passage for every entrepreneurs & creator
In this episode of The Sage & The Song, we explore 10 mandatory rites of passage for every entrepreneur and creator out there.

Mother Nature is the best business coach
In this episode of The Sage & The Song, we explore why Mother Nature is the best business and life coach out there, and why we shouldn't bother recreating the wheel!

Your Metamorphosis awaits
In this episode of The Sage & The Song, we explore the concept of metamorphosis, and Britta introduces her new mythic mastermind offering.

6 Prosperity Principles to Implement ASAP
In this episode of The Sage & The Song, we explore 6 principles of prosperity to weave into your life, psyche and actions.

What's your MISSION?
In this episode of The Sage & The Song, we'll explore your MISSION, and the most sacred work that is calling you forward.