Pick Up Your Sword
The HUMAN MIND is the ultimate sword... but how will you wield it?
Tune into this exploration of the sacred sword as an alchemical and archetypal symbol that helps us cut the BS, make better decisions, and use our wise discernment in any season of our lives.

5 tips to reduce stress during election season (or any damn time)
Presidential elections are wrought with intense emotions— who decided to add them to the already frenetic holiday season, anyway?

Structure without rigidity
In today's episode of The Sage & The Song, we're talking about the sweet spot where structure and fluidity meet. i share 4 contemplations on structure arising in my own life, and share some prompts and action steps to find a better balance of the two in your own life.

The Spirit-Led Life Methodology: a blueprint for meaning and fulfillment
What happens when divine will, personal will and willingness are all equally ignited and activated in your life, relationships and work?

2 things the Muse will NEVER ask you to do
The Muse asks a lot of us... and we artists, creators and makers? We answer the call! We're willing to give a lot in order to bring our visions to life. But here are two pitfalls to watch out for 👀

Hustle Rehab: 8 commandments to live, lead, love and work by
It's been a long time coming, friends. I am finally, truly rehabilitating my hustle mentality. It's big work, and it's worth it. Come with me?

I'm willing to be unimpressive (and have a small, quiet, unimpressive business)
This phrase has been pulling the threads of my identity for months... and it's awesome.

Guitar Lessons: the secret relationship between tension and ease
Let's tune the tension knob, because I know we all want more ease, please!

From solo to SUPPORTED: 3 crucial steps to dispel loneliness and receive all the help you need
The "solopreneur" is a MYTH, and one that creates a false sense of importance, independence and sadly, loneliness. But we are not lone wolves, and we could not do it alone if we wanted to!

Courting Lakshmi: calling forth prosperity through mantra, intention and divine allyship
Lakshmi is a Hindu goddess who represents the deity realm of beauty and abundance— a powerful and benevolent force of nature to court if you're calling forth greater prosperity!

The insatiable hunger for ENOUGH: contemplating the hungry ghost, scarcity and money
"When we engage in the material world without the experience of the sacred, we are simply in repetitive cycles of pleasure and pain."

Sustainable Style: wardrobe hacks for more joy and less harm
You're not here to get style advice from me... or so you thought!

Don't serve your broke-ass thoughts any tea (and other Buddhist contemplations)
Buddhist philosophy and mythology serve up some helpful metaphors in the form of whether or not to "serve tea" to our thoughts, stories, and narratives.

Duck Medicine Marketing: let it roll right off ya
This is an episode about marketing. And ducks. Yes, those ducks 🦆

Love, Money and Inadequacy
Have you ever heard it said that "love and money are connected"? Well my friends, I had a startling epiphany of how intimately connected these realms are, meeting in the heart of a core wound we'll call "inadequacy."

Business Abundance Blueprint: dispel overwhelm and create a year of overflow in your business and beyond
Join me for an overview of my 5-pillar blueprint for creating more ease, impact and prosperity in your business, schedule, bank account and beyond!

The Alchemy of Home Ownership: an entrepreneurs tale
In today's episode of The Sage & The Song I'll share my 9 tips for other entrepreneurs, business owners, women or anyone on the margins who dreams of home stewardship but feels like it's a pretty long shot to reality.

On podcasting + what's next for The Sage & The Song podcast
In today's episode of The Sage & The Song I'll share my top 3 tips for those of you who want to start a podcast, plus what's next for The Sage & The Song.

Your luminous year awaits: inside my annual 2024 planning workshop
In today's episode of The Sage & The Song I share about my upcoming "Luminous Life Design" 7-day planning challenge, including what's new this year, and why I think this offering is unique and valuable.

To monetize or NOT to monetize?
In today's episode of The Sage & The Song we cover 4 angles from which to consider this question before you devote any time on monetizing your next great idea.