5 signposts pointing to your growth

At any time in our lives, we can take stock of the current curriculum…

By curriculum, I mean the biggest, most obvious, flashing signposts marking our evolutionary path.

These signposts are unique for each of us, and they’re also universal, archetypal, mythic. That’s because while we all walk alone, we simultaneously walk side by side. 

We share in the common experiences that arise as we do our very best in our attempt to take care of our body, become a wise parent, show unconditional love to our partner and friends, learn to lead elegantly, navigate conflict with grace… you get the idea! 

It feels like these are issues we take on all by ourselves, but in truth, I FEEL YOU, because I’m doing the same work right next to you… it just looks a little different over here. 

Don’t be fooled. You and me, we’re on this path together.

Which is why I want to share 5 of my own current signposts on the path to growth. 

Perhaps you’ll recognize these as familiar, or perhaps you’ll feel a frequency in them you want to experience more fully… 

Let’s explore!

Signpost #5: Embodied Prosperity 💎

Prosperity is an ability to turn your skills and creativity into resources. Prosperity is also a holistic understanding of yourself as part of a thriving ecosystem, made manifest in your relationships, your home, your quality of attention, your peace of mind, and yes, your bank account. This is an earthy, grounded, prosperity that is possible for us all. We have a clear choice: avoid the curriculum of money, wealth and prosperity, or bring the money conversation forward with a deep soul embodiment. 

Financial mastery is part of our curriculum as humans on planet earth, so let’s dig deep into a meta, mythic, wholehearted inclusion of this area of life. It’s time to roll up our sleeves, make money, and do it with integrity, delight and devotion. 


Signpost #1:

Mythic Perspective 👁

You are the heroine on the quest. In every moment, we can choose to see our personal and professional lives from an eagle’s eye, meta view. Ram Dass says ‘life is easier when you say yes to the curriculum’. This requires you to rise above the mundane view of doing and step into a new way of being. Focus on who you’re becoming rather than what you’re achieving. 

This is paradigm-shifting mindset work. 

Put on new lenses that allow you to see the world differently, which then reorients you with your soul-aligned life design.

Signpost #2:

Sacred Service 🫀

Awakened action! Sharing our most soulful, authentic, courageous expressions of work and creativity require courage, vulnerability & light-heartedness! Are you willing to step off the ledge and allow yourself to be visible in your genius? Leading with our head keeps us in the illusion of isolation— I challenge you to do your best work for others, to put your gifts out there in a new way where people can actually find you, and where you feel well-used by the divine mother and creative universal energy!

Signpost #3:

Devotional Mastery 🙏🏼

Showing up for ourselves is often the biggest challenge we face. The noise of the digital age distracts us from our intuition and the core of our inner guidance system. I’ve found regular ritual and occasional longer-form “sadhana” practices to be a real-life devotional bootcamp. When aligned with the seasons, these practices can anchor new codes of consistency and ritual into your being, where you’ll learn what it really looks like to ritualize your life while breaking old patterns. 

Signpost #4:

Creative Activation 🦋

Creativity is your greatest source of untapped prosperity, and the secret to remaining vital and aligned with your mission! In nature, a real metamorphosis takes us through the 4 universal phases of creation— birth, life, death, and rebirth. When we harness these energies and then channel them into real-life creative practices such as music, movement, writing, creating beauty, and the life-force energy inside your own human body, you become a living work of art, unstoppable in your creativity. 

Signpost #5:

Embodied Prosperity 💎

Prosperity is an ability to turn your skills and creativity into resources. Prosperity is also a holistic understanding of yourself as part of a thriving ecosystem, made manifest in your relationships, your home, your quality of attention, your peace of mind, and yes, your bank account. This is an earthy, grounded, prosperity that is possible for us all. We have a clear choice: avoid the curriculum of money, wealth and prosperity, or bring the money conversation forward with a deep soul embodiment. 

Financial mastery is part of our curriculum as humans on planet earth, so let’s dig deep into a meta, mythic, wholehearted inclusion of this area of life. It’s time to roll up our sleeves, make money, and do it with integrity, delight and devotion.


I want to know which of those signposts feel like a huge YES for you?

Which ones are you fully on board with right now?

Which ones are you not clear about or in alignment with?

Naming these signposts is so important, as it aims our heart’s arrow clearly in the direction we are headed… in mind, body, heart, soul and spirit.

If these signposts feel relevant, and in fact necessary to your current evolution, I want to invite you to my brand new 10-month mythic mastermind + community council…

This is a soul-centered, heart-based, spirit-led journey through the ebbs and flows of what it means to lead, create, and be of service inside of our deepest, most important work in this lifetime.

This is an intimate pilgrimage for 10 explorers. We begin in September 2022. 

If you feel a call toward exploring this opportunity more deeply, click here to apply for the program

I’ll send you a PDF with all the details, along with a link to schedule a Discovery Call with me, so we can clarify your needs, vision, and mission in alignment with this offering.

Bless your hands and all they create…

Bless your mind and your innate brilliance… 

Bless your body and the vital wisdom it expresses… 

Bless your soul, and your intuition, for knowing the way forward…

May all you do, create and manifest be blessed!

In service to your wise creatrix, 


It’s time to purge this phrase from your vocabulary…


Navigating August with Creativity