Boost your joy! (even a tiny little bit)
Question for you today:
How in touch are you with your joy?
While some folks seem to have eternal, easy access to their joy, others find it rather challenging to tap into a bottomless well of joyful feelings.
Do you fall in one camp or the other?
Perhaps you oscillate back and forth, sometimes feeling joy and flow, and other times experiencing emotions of frustration, grief, rage, numbness, and the like?
I myself fall into that 3rd category for sure.
And you know what? That’s 100% okay.
In fact, I am a little suspect of humans who are able to ride continuous waves of joy… (Afterall, that’s not how surfing actually works, am I right?)
In truth, we are riding waves, every day of our lives. No matter the season, we are human beings hurtling through space and time on this Planet Earth-ship, and we live in a constant state of mystery and uncertainty.
But here’s one thing I remember that brings me comfort:
Grief and Joy are opposite sides of the same coin.
One is never too far from the other, and both are always accessible, even when it feels nearly inconceivable.
Today, I invite you to assess your Joy-o-Meter…
a. On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 = 😔 and 10 = 😃), where do you land in this moment?
b. Then, take a moment to simply allow yourself to feel and be exactly as you are.
c. Finally, consider how you might boost yourself ONE degree upwards on that scale!
We ALL have a few time-tested tools for boosting our joy…
– A friend who always knows how to make you laugh?
– A pet you can cuddle with?
– A favorite walk that brings you peace and connection?
– A tree that brings you to a state of awe-filled gratitude?
– A youtube or video clip or film that delights you every time you watch it?
Now, go do that thing!
If you can boost your Joy-o-Meter by even one tiny little degree, you will not only help yourself out by feeling a bit better, but chances are your joy will have a ripple effect outward…
That’s your assignment on this day 🙂
In service to your magical (and perhaps even joyful) day,