Nature is the Best Business Coach
There are many, many teachers, guides, mentors and facilitators out there these days.
And thank goodness!
Goddess knows we need help getting out of our own way and letting our genius emerge. And yet…
Most teachers or coaches lead with their own framework (aka their mind), rather than letting the wisdom of Mother Nature do the heavy lifting.
It’s taken me 4 decades, but I think I’m finally getting the hang of it!
So what does this look like in theory, and in practice?
I love the Metamorphosis of caterpillar to butterfly as a grounding metaphor for all that’s happening in nature constantly. Let’s take a closer look at what this looks like on the ground, and how it applies to our work, our relationships, our creative process and our lives.
Metamorphosis is a process of inner and outer growth, guided by Nature herself, clearly separated into 4 stages.
The stages of METAMORPHOSIS are:
Phase: The caterpillar.
Season: Autumn.
Energy: Celebrating the harvest of everything we've learned in our previous life cycles and lessons. Simultaneously celebrating release and surrender. Recognizing this current form as temporary, transient, as we're on our way to something completely new. Cultivating willingness to take the descent into mystery, the unknown.
Actions: Say no to unwanted projects. Trim the fat and prune the dead limbs. Simplify. Experiment with removing things from our calendar and to-do list instead of adding. Implement healthy boundaries.
Archetypes + symbols: The Destroyer. The Remover Of Obstacles. The Sacred Disruptor. The Sword.
Phase: The chrysalis.
Season: Winter.
Energy: Celebrating complete disintegration of ourselves and life as we knew it. Restoration, contemplation and intentional retreat. Allowing old forms, stories, narratives to die. Entering the hallowed ground of soul initiation. Opting for the discomfort of growth over stagnancy and longterm maintenance of broken systems.
Actions: Put a pause on launching any new projects or offerings. Carefully consider your options and the optimal timeline for you and all who will receive your gifts. Restore your energy. Tend the spark of your mission.
Archetypes + symbols: The Silence or Stillness. The Hibernating Bear. The Hermit. The Womb.
Phase: The (re)birth
Season: Springtime.
Energy: The last vestiges of slumber and sleepiness give way to new life. Emerging from the descent. Glimpsing what is new and fresh and awaiting us in our new life as a fully formed and expressed version of ourselves. Able to now reflect on the passage through the descent, what was cultivated and released there. How are we now different than before? In what ways are we willing to show up more boldly, beautifully, gracefully?
Actions: Start new projects, launch new offerings. Invigorate your community through action. Teach, create content and put it out there where your people can find it. Cultivate collaborations. Enliven your message and give it voice!
Archetypes + symbols: The Creatrix. The Seed. The Vision. The Activist or Advocate.
Phase: The flight.
Season: Summer.
Energy: New life abounds! Full celebration and delight of what is emerging within us and around us. The sprouts of the work we've done are in full bloom. Manifestation of the ascent, yet we don't leave behind the richness of the soul descent initiation, as it continues to inform how we fly and express. Formulation, manifestation and liberation into the world of our creative 'projects'.
Actions: Bask in all you’ve accomplished. Keep going. Celebrate your wins and your learnings. Harvest the fruits of your labor. Complete unfinished projects. Clarify your plan moving forward. Reassess what’s next.
Archetypes + symbols: The Dancer. The Harvest. The Nectar. The Sustainer. The Gem.
You getting the hang of this?
So am I really suggesting this is actually how you should run your business, your life, your schedule?
Yes. Yes, I am!
Because we work ourselves too hard trying to make decisions on when to launch, when to create, when to rest, when to pause, what to work on next…
Let’s stop working so hard, and start working more wisely.
If this feels like a HUGE relief to your brain and nervous system, join me for my new 10-month group journey! It’s called
Metamorphosis: a mythic mastermind + community council for alchemical leaders
I’m keeping it real small and intimate– 10 journeyers is the cap.
Together, we’ll alchemize the 4 stages of growth and discovery into one transformational journey.
We begin this September, and I cannot wait.
If you’re intrigued and want to learn more, here’s 2 action steps:
Fill out this application form.
Then I’ll send you a PDF with all the details + send you a link to schedule a Discovery call with me so we can discuss.
Check out my recently recorded ‘Alchemical Leadership’ 3-part video training.
Much of what I taught in this series is woven into the curriculum and themes of the mastermind. I’ll also teach this workshop series live again in August, so if you want to join, stay tuned and keep an eye out!
May the wisdom of the seasons and the knowing of your intuition guide you forward, into the heart of your best work.
I can’t wait to see what you create next, and I hope to cheer you on along the way
To your genius,