My #1 spiritual practice


 Of all the practices I devote myself to, there is one that rises to the top,

one that teaches me more than any other modality I've played with,

one that challenges me on the level mind, body, heart and soul...

any guesses?

If you know me well, you probably won't be surprised to hear the answer is none other than

S I N G I N G + Making Music!

Courageous Communication.png

Yes indeed, singing fortifies me inside and out, teaches me infinite lessons on patience, humility, levity and not taking myself too seriously, shame resilience, and on and on...

Plus, it invites me into my courage and my emotions the way no other practice does.

No matter how I feel: depressed, anxious, delighted, uncertain, straight-up fearful...

Singing reveals a path forward towards experiencing the fullness of my humanity in a heartfelt, embodied way.

In harmony,


Clear Vision


The Caffeine Conundrum [to drink, or not to drink?]