Full Time Passion, Part-Time Schedule

33. Full Time Passion, Part-Time Schedule
Britta GreenViolet

In this episode of The Sage & The Song we explore a common conundrum for many multipassionate creators— how to fit a wholehearted passion for our work into a limited schedule.

Today's episode explores another facet of the 'time scarcity' problem which afflicts many creatives and entrepreneurs today, and offers 5 tips for how to feel more at peace when your time always feels divided and stretched too thin.

The Song: "May Peace Be With You" - written by Marilyn Power Scott, recorded with permission by Britta GreenViolet.

Sound production + music for this and all episodes by Benjamin Gould of Bell & Branch, designing custom soundscapes for use in professional settings. Explore Ben's work or inquire about his services at bellandbranch.com

Join Britta's email list to learn more, receive weekly wisdom transmissions and learn how to build a prosperous body of work that feels like an authentic expression of your soul.


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